Celebrity and Pro Wrestler Brooke Adams loves our Better than Butter Belly Oil for pregnancy
As if you needed another reason to slather your bump with our luxurious Better than Butter Belly Oil, now you have one! Celebrity and Pro Wrestler Brooke Adams is loving our pregnancy oil. You may have seen her in the ring, or on the Amazing Race. Here is what she had to say about our product:
realbrookeadams#9monthspregnanttoday and still not a single stretch mark! Love this stuff 💜 @greenandlovelyproducts 👀 use code BROOKE25 to save 25% off!!! 💰💰💰💰💰💰
#36weekspregnant #pregnantandperfect

Visit Brooke's post on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154244774435310&set=a.10150256956900310.366189.597480309&type=3&theater
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