GINGERBREAD Sugar Scrub /// Scent of Cookies, Nutmeg, Vanilla, & Clove - Green + Lovely

GINGERBREAD Sugar Scrub /// Scent of Cookies, Nutmeg, Vanilla, & Clove

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$ 12.00
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$ 12.00
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You'll love to gift our Gingerbread Sugar Scrub with surprise mini gingerbread soap man in every jar!  Such a sweet gift.

Seasonal Holiday Scent:  Gingerbread

Our gingerbread sugar scrub is made with organic raw sugar blended delicately with organic oils, ginger, nutmeg, clove, and organic natural flavor. 

This sugar scrub will exfoliate and moisturize, leaving skin healthier and baby soft with the use of coconut oil and vegan vegetable glycerin. Green tea is added for its caffeine and anti-oxidant value. This sugar scrub is made with food grade ingredients, is chemical free and edible too!


Ingredients:  Organic Raw Cane Sugar, Coconut Oil, Vegetable Glycerin, Ginger, Nutmeg, Clove, Organic Natural Flavor, Green Tea Extract, Organic Arrowroot Powder, Vitamin E Tocopherol.


Green + Lovely, HealthSpec LLC
Text and images copyrighted. Est. 2012